Step 1

Head to and sign up for a public/private key.

Step 2

In your ModX install insert/update the appropriate system settings for
formit.recaptcha_public_key, Your reCaptcha public key.
formit.recaptcha_private_key, Your reCaptcha private key.
formit.recaptcha_use_ssl, Whether or not to use SSL for reCaptcha requests. Defaults to false.

See formIt documentation for more information.

Step 3

Add "recaptcha" to your list of hooks in the form snippet.

//place recapture hook in the hooks array

Step 4

Add the reCaptcha element to your form.

$o_fe_captcha = new FormItBuilder_elementReCaptcha('Verification Code');

Customising reCaptcha (Version 1.1.1 and over)

You can add a JSON configuration string as described here, by setting options like so.

$o_fe_captcha->setJsonConfig('{"theme":"red", "lang":"fr", "tabindex":"2"}');