Complex PHP Form

The example snippet installed with JsonFormBuilder will output the following form. You can find the snippet code in the file

The Code

require_once $modx->getOption('core_path',null,MODX_CORE_PATH).'components/jsonformbuilder/model/jsonformbuilder/JsonFormBuilder.class.php';      
//Hidden field with a  little info in it to pass along. You could use anything you want here.
$o_fe_userGroup          = new JsonFormBuilder_elementHidden('user_group','User Group',3);
//Then you can force it to show in the email (by default hidden fields do not show in email).

//Text Fields
$o_fe_name          = new JsonFormBuilder_elementText('name_full','Full Name','Your Name Here');
$o_fe_age           = new JsonFormBuilder_elementText('age','Age');
$o_fe_dob           = new JsonFormBuilder_elementText('date_of_birth','Date of Birth');
$o_fe_attend        = new JsonFormBuilder_elementDate('date_to_attend','Select Date','dd/mm/yyyy',date('Y'),date('Y')+6);
$o_fe_username      = new JsonFormBuilder_elementText('username','Username');
$o_fe_userPass      = new JsonFormBuilder_elementPassword('user_pass','Password');
$o_fe_userPass2     = new JsonFormBuilder_elementPassword('user_pass2','Confirm Password');
$o_fe_address       = new JsonFormBuilder_elementText('address','Address');
$o_fe_city          = new JsonFormBuilder_elementText('city','City/Suburb');
$o_fe_postcode      = new JsonFormBuilder_elementText('postcode','Post Code');
$o_fe_company       = new JsonFormBuilder_elementText('company','Company Name');
$o_fe_companyPhone  = new JsonFormBuilder_elementText('company_phone','Company Phone');
$o_fe_email         = new JsonFormBuilder_elementText('email_address','Email Address');
$o_fe_website         = new JsonFormBuilder_elementText('web_site','Website Address');
$o_fe_foodprefer    = new JsonFormBuilder_elementCheckboxGroup('food_most_like','Select your preferred two or three foods:',array(
$maxFileSizeBytes = 1024*200; //200kb
$o_fe_resume          = new JsonFormBuilder_elementFile('resume', 'Resume (PDF, DOC or DOCX)',$maxFileSizeBytes, array('pdf','doc','docx'));
$o_fe_applcation      = new JsonFormBuilder_elementFile('application', 'Application');

//Matrix elements
$o_fe_checkMatrix          = new JsonFormBuilder_elementMatrix('checkMatrix','What foods do your children like?', 'check',
    array('Child 1','Child 2','Child 3','Child 4'),
$o_fe_radioMatrix          = new JsonFormBuilder_elementMatrix('radioMatrix','How do you feel about us?', 'radio',
    array('Service Quality','Overall Hygiene','Responsiveness','Kindness and Helpfulness'),
    array('Very Satisfied','Satisfied','Somewhat Satisfied','Not Satisfied')
$o_fe_textMatrix            = new JsonFormBuilder_elementMatrix('textMatrix','List your favorite websites', 'text',
    array('Website #1','Website #2','Website #3','Website #4', 'Website #5'),
    array('Site Name','URL','Speed','Design')
//Check Boxes
$o_fe_checkTerms    = new JsonFormBuilder_elementCheckbox('agree_terms','I agree to the terms & conditions', 'Agree', 'Disagree', false);
$o_fe_checkNews     = new JsonFormBuilder_elementCheckbox('agree_newsletter','Sign me up for some spam', 'Wants Spam', 'Does <strong>NOT</strong> want spam', true);
//Dropdown selects
    '10'=>'Less than 10',
    '11 to 20'=>'11 to 20',
    '50'=>'21 to 50',
    '100'=>'51 to 100',
    '100+'=>'More than 100',
$o_fe_employees     = new JsonFormBuilder_elementSelect('employees','Number of Employees',$a_employees,'11 to 20');
$a_usstates = array(
    ''=>'Please select...',
$o_fe_usstates      = new JsonFormBuilder_elementSelect('ussuate','Select a state',$a_usstates);
//Radio groups
$a_performanceOptions = array(
    'opt2'=>'Needs Improvement',
$o_fe_staff         = new JsonFormBuilder_elementRadioGroup('staff_performance','How would you rate staff performance?',$a_performanceOptions);
//Text area
$o_fe_notes         = new JsonFormBuilder_elementTextArea('notes','Additional Comments',5,30,
'Here is an example of default multiline text.
--- JsonFormBuilder ---
//Form Buttons
$o_fe_buttSubmit    = new JsonFormBuilder_elementButton('submit','Submit Form','submit');
$o_fe_buttReset     = new JsonFormBuilder_elementButton('reset','Reset Form','reset');

//Set required fields
$a_formFields_required = array($o_fe_resume,$o_fe_foodprefer,$o_fe_textMatrix,$o_fe_radioMatrix,$o_fe_checkMatrix,$o_fe_attend,$o_fe_resume, $o_fe_notes, $o_fe_name, $o_fe_age, $o_fe_dob, $o_fe_username, $o_fe_userPass, $o_fe_userPass2, $o_fe_email, $o_fe_postcode);
foreach($a_formFields_required as $field){
    $a_formRules[] = new FormRule(FormRuleType::required,$field);
$a_formRules[] = new FormRule(FormRuleType::email, $o_fe_email, NULL, 'Please provide a valid email address');
$a_formRules[] = new FormRule(FormRuleType::url, $o_fe_website);

$a_formRules[] = new FormRule(FormRuleType::required, $o_fe_checkTerms, NULL, 'You must agree to the terms and conditions');
$a_formRules[] = new FormRule(FormRuleType::required, $o_fe_staff, NULL, 'Please select an option for staff performance');
//Additional rules for preferred foods
$a_formRules[] = new FormRule(FormRuleType::minimumLength, $o_fe_foodprefer, 2);
$a_formRules[] = new FormRule(FormRuleType::maximumLength, $o_fe_foodprefer, 3);
//Additional rules for postcode
$a_formRules[] = new FormRule(FormRuleType::numeric, $o_fe_postcode);
$a_formRules[] = new FormRule(FormRuleType::minimumLength, $o_fe_postcode, 4);
$a_formRules[] = new FormRule(FormRuleType::maximumLength, $o_fe_postcode, 4);
//Additional rules for username
$a_formRules[] = new FormRule(FormRuleType::minimumLength, $o_fe_username, 6);
$a_formRules[] = new FormRule(FormRuleType::maximumLength, $o_fe_username, 30);
//Additional rules for age field
$a_formRules[] = new FormRule(FormRuleType::numeric, $o_fe_age);
$a_formRules[] = new FormRule(FormRuleType::minimumValue, $o_fe_age, 18);
$a_formRules[] = new FormRule(FormRuleType::maximumValue, $o_fe_age, 100);
//additional rules for DOB
$a_formRules[] = new FormRule(FormRuleType::date, $o_fe_dob, 'dd/mm/yyyy');
//A unique case, when checking if passwords match pass the two fields as an array into the second argument.
$a_formRules[] = new FormRule(FormRuleType::minimumLength, $o_fe_userPass, 8);
//You could also specify "user_pass" for the 3rd paramater. This string would attempt to map back to the form matching that id.
$a_formRules[] = new FormRule(FormRuleType::fieldMatch,$o_fe_userPass2, $o_fe_userPass, 'Passwords do not match');
$o_form = new JsonFormBuilder($modx,'myContactForm');
//Specify to and from email addresses, also see replyTo, CC and BCC options.
$o_form->setEmailToName('To Name');
//You can set CC or BCC options
//or you can use an array of addresses like so.

$o_form->setEmailSubject('MyCompany Contact Form Submission - From: '.$o_form->postVal('name_full'));
$o_form->setEmailHeadHtml('<p>This is a response sent by '.$o_form->postVal('name_full').' using the contact us form:</p>');
//Set extra classes on your form elements (adds to the wrapper and the inner element).
$a_els = array($o_fe_name,$o_fe_age,$o_fe_dob,$o_fe_attend,$o_fe_username,$o_fe_email,$o_fe_userPass,$o_fe_userPass2,$o_fe_address,  $o_fe_city, $o_fe_usstates, $o_fe_postcode,$o_fe_staff, );
foreach($a_els as $e){
$a_els = array($o_fe_company,  $o_fe_companyPhone, $o_fe_employees,$o_fe_website);
foreach($a_els as $e){
//Add elements to output along with any HTML as a string element.
        $o_fe_userGroup, //hidden field
        '<h2>Personal Information</h2>',
        $o_fe_address,  $o_fe_city, $o_fe_usstates, $o_fe_postcode,
        '<h2>Company Information</h2>',
        $o_fe_company,  $o_fe_companyPhone, $o_fe_employees, $o_fe_website,
        $o_fe_staff, $o_fe_foodprefer,
        '<h2>Matrix/Group Elements</h2>',
        '<h2>Attach your Resume and Application</h2>',
        $o_fe_checkNews, $o_fe_checkTerms,
        $o_fe_buttSubmit,   $o_fe_buttReset
//The form HTML will now be available via
//This can be returned in a snippet or passed to any other script to handle in any way.
return $o_form->output();

The Form

Check out how this form will render in the Complex Form example.

The Email

The email is automatically built from the snippet (below) just like the form.